
Psychotherapy is an investment on many levels, so I believe choosing a psychotherapist requires care and attention.

People decide to invest in therapy because they feel stress, grief, anxiety, depression, or because they don’t feel much of anything and they’re not sure why. Some have difficulty communicating, or relating to their intimate partner, others feel they don’t fit into social situations. Some have experienced trauma in the past but have put off dealing with it because of fears of opening up the “floodgates” and becoming overwhelmed in the process. Often people feel off track and know they need to change, but don’t know where to start.

When life seems to be going sideways there is a normal and natural pull to share this with someone else, and yet also a fear that opening up can lead to a sense of being exposed, vulnerable, maybe even humiliated. So how can psychotherapy help?

Psychotherapy with a skilled therapist can help you form a kind and honest relationship with yourself. This is deeply important: you already have much of what you need to feel better. The development of a compassionate and attuned relationship with a caring therapist will help you relate more gently and intimately with yourself and in learning to do this, you will find a kind of resilience within yourself you may not have noticed before. Collaborative sharing with a therapist can help you talk about yourself safely and know yourself better. You may be able to recall painful memories and losses in a way that is honest and bearable; you might make sense of the facts of your past and present situations.

As long as you are motivated to make change, a feeling of closeness and collaboration with a therapist who leans into the relationship can be life-changing, even when the telling of your story is painful. When you are guided gently in the exploration of yourself, the process can be enlivening, energizing and growthful, shining a soft light on vulnerabilities but also uncovering core values and hidden strengths.

We can sit down together either in person or online and have a relaxed conversation. I’ll help you tell me your story and together we can sort out what hurts and what that part of you needs, what you’re excited about and what that part hopes for, and where you’d like to be in your life now and in the future.

Lisa Rumble

Office Location

114 Maitland Street,
4th Floor
(near Wellesley
subway station)

